BITBOX aims to be the go-to toolset for $BCH developers. We want you to be able to run your code and tests against your BITBOX before deploying to live environments and aim for 100% Bitcoin Cash JSON RPC API coverage.

Today we’re happy to announce that bitbox-cli has 100% of the Bitcoin ABC JSON RPC. You can now use bitbox-cli to have your code interface directly w/ your live running Bitcoin ABC node. Here’s how that would look.


First install bitbox-cli via npm

npm install bitbox-cli --global

This gives you access to the bitbox command line utility.

Command line

You can now have bitbox stub out an app scaffold and configuration. Here we’ll have it create a new app and give it the user, password and host of our running Bitcoin ABC node and set the environment to production.

bitbox new myApp

This will create a scaffold directory structure for a new $BCH app along w/ a configuration file which looks like:

networks: {
  development: {
    restURL: ""


Now you can fire up bitbox’s console to send some commands to your running $BCH node.

bitbox console

This will load the console and create a BITBOX object w/ the entire $BCH JSON RPC available. That BITBOX object can send commands to the running Bitcoin ABC node that you configured in the previous step.

> BITBOX.Network.getNetworkInfo().then((result) => { console.log(result); }, (err) => { console.log(err); });

{ version: 160200,
  subversion: '/Bitcoin ABC:0.16.2(EB8.0)/',
  protocolversion: 70015,
  localservices: '0000000000000025',
  localrelay: true,
  timeoffset: 0,
  networkactive: true,
  connections: 15,
   [ { name: 'ipv4',
       limited: false,
       reachable: true,
       proxy: '',
       proxy_randomize_credentials: false },
     { name: 'ipv6',
       limited: false,
       reachable: true,
       proxy: '',
       proxy_randomize_credentials: false },
     { name: 'onion',
       limited: true,
       reachable: false,
       proxy: '',
       proxy_randomize_credentials: false } ],
  relayfee: 0.00001,
  incrementalfee: 0.00001,
  localaddresses: [ { address: '', port: 8333, score: 1964 } ],
  warnings: '' }


You can also use BITBOX from the browser. First install bitbox-cli locally w/ npm.

npm install bitbox-cli --save

Next you need to require or import BITBOXCli into your app depending on if your are transpiling ES6 or not. Once you require BITBOXCli into your app you then create an instance of BITBOX and pass in a config object w/ the same values you used at the command line in the previous steps.

let BITBOXCli = require('bitbox-cli/lib/bitbox-cli').default;
let BITBOX = new BITBOXCli();

.then((result) => {
  console.log(result); },
  (err) => { console.log(err); }

Again the entire Bitcoin Cash JSON RPC is available on the BITBOX object.


BITBOX can now be used from the command line or the browser to send commands to the BCH network.