Imagine you have a $BCH app which you’d like to deploy. However before doing that it seems like you should test it. BITBOX console lets you quickly switch between sending commands to your local instance or your full node running on the cloud. That way you can test your code locally before deploying to a remote server w/ production running $BCH node.

Create new app

Let’s say our newly created $BCH app is just a simple call to getnetworkinfo but of course it could be much more complex as BITBOX supports the entire $BCH RPC.

BITBOX.Network.getnetworkinfo().then((result) => {
}, (err) => {

To test our code first stub out an app w/ production credentials

bitbox new myApp --environment production --restURL

Next open up the newly created bitbox.js file and add config for your local BITBOX.

networks: {
  development: {
    restURL: ""
  production: {
    restURL: ""


Now when you fire up your BITBOX console you can tell it which environment to connect to by passing bitbox console an --environment flag.

bitbox console --environment development

> BITBOX.Network.getNetworkInfo().then((result) => { console.log(result); }, (err) => { console.log(err); });

{ version: 130100,
  subversion: '/Bitcoin ABC:0.16.2(EB8.0)/',
  protocolversion: 70014,
  localservices: '000000000000000d',
  localrelay: true,
  timeoffset: -19,
  connections: 8,
   [ { name: 'ipv4',
       limited: false,
       reachable: true,
       proxy: '',
       proxy_randomize_credentials: false },
     { name: 'ipv6',
       limited: false,
       reachable: true,
       proxy: '',
       proxy_randomize_credentials: false },
     { name: 'onion',
       limited: true,
       reachable: false,
       proxy: '',
       proxy_randomize_credentials: false } ],
  relayfee: 5000,
   [ { address: '0600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe89:dfc4',
       port: 8333,
       score: 4 } ],
  warnings: '' }


This is just a small example to show how BITBOX can accelerate your $BCH workflow. You can stub out an app scaffold w/ configuration for development and production environments. You have the full $BCH RPC available on the BITBOX object and you can quickly switch between sending commands to different environments.