Bitcoin Cash is meant for people all over EARTH. Most of those people don’t speak english. That’s why today we’re releasing wordLists so you can generate mnemonics in 8 different languages to help spread $BCH to people all over the planet.


BITBOX.Mnemonic now has a wordLists method which returns an object w/ the following keys:

  chinese_simplified: [],
  chinese_traditional: [],
  english: [],
  french: [],
  italian: [],
  japanese: [],
  korean: [],
  spanish: []

Each of these keys contains an array w/ 2048 words in that language. 4 BITBOX.Mnemonic methods now accept that wordlist as their 2nd argument and will create and validate mnemonics in those languages.

The methods which now accepts a wordslist argument are


Chinese simplified

BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().chinese_simplified);
// 南 英 钉 油 冷 馏 扶 搬 特 规 波 顺

Chinese traditional

BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().chinese_traditional);
// 蒸 融 陣 默 甲 蓋 躺 靈 原 富 恆 份


BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().french);
// annonce ampleur sanglier peser acheter cultiver abroger embellir résoudre dialogue grappin lanterne


BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().italian);
// raschiato comodo petalo lira ipotesi mondina scettro ritmico bacino abrasivo attrito eletto


BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().japanese);
// かいが こける つねづね けおりもの けむり せんろ しゃくほう けんみん あわせる ひつぎ みてい たいない


BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().korean);
// 회색 제공 적성 만일 당장 확인 사람 화장 숫자 여군 대도시 하순


BITBOX.Mnemonic.generate(128, BITBOX.Mnemonic.wordLists().spanish);
// combate hundir trauma edad élite medio grave pie aduana donar pimienta bodega

bitbox paper

bitbox paper has also been updated to now accept a --language flag which can set the mnemonic to any of the 8 languages listed above. The default is English.

Korean Paper Wallet


BITBOX GUI has also been updated to generate mnemonics in all of the above languages. There is now a language selector on the configuration screen. Select the language that you’d like to use and restart your BITBOX.

Chinese simplified

Chinese traditional







With wordLists it’s now easier than ever to generate mnemonics in languages other than english to help spread $BCH all over the EARTH.

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